It’s possible that you could lower your interest rate or reduce the amount of time left to pay off your 贷款. Refinancing can also be a helpful tool for home improvement or debt consolidation because you can get a one-time cash payment during the refinancing process.
- 从可调利率转为固定利率抵押贷款
- Change from one type of adjustable rate 贷款 to another to lower your monthly payment
- 降低你的利率和月供
- 将贷款期限缩短到15年或20年,可以更快地积累资产
确定再融资对你来说是否有意义, compare your current mortgage rate and term to the rates and terms listed at the top of this page. It’s also important to determine how much the 收的费用 and other associated costs, 比如房屋估价, 是为了确保从长远来看,你真的会走在前面.